Help! Why Can't I Get the Advertised Deal?

Here’s an experience shared by Leasehackr reader @TwoWheels, who was frustrated that the lease quote from a dealer was so much higher than the manufacturer’s advertised offer.

The Leasehackr community shared some insights as to why that may be the case:

  1. The manufacturer’s offer requires “dealer participation” (i.e., a discount below MSRP). In the past, many of these offers could be easily beat, but with current vehicle shortages caused by the global microchip crisis, it may be difficult to find a seller willing to discount their inventory.

  2. Manufacturer advertisements exclude taxes, government fees, and dealer fees, which increase the total cost of the lease.

Instead of trying to match the national manufacturer offer, the best lease-hacking approach is to create a target deal for yourself based on what’s aggressive but feasible. Research the residual, money factor, and applicable incentives of a vehicle, along with the range of reasonable selling prices given the market, and then plug those inputs into the Leasehackr Calculator. Don’t hesitate to ask for guidance!

Once you know what constitutes a good deal for a particular vehicle, you’ll be in a much better position to make a decision.
